Well, I'm back from Tennessee. Real nice country down there. I reckon I got some stories for y‘all.
Now, I was a heading through the ol’ Smoky Mountains, real perty country, them mountains. I had dang near 80,000 pounds hitched to my behind, and here I am a weaving through them big blue mountains, and I didn’t have a care in the world, cause I know that my load binders was doing their job real good. So I pull on through, and find myself just outside of Gatlinburg.
Now, I haven’t eaten nothing for ‘bout nine hours, an my belly‘s a roarin and a grumblin for some filler. So I pulls up to a stop station. Now an older feller, he seen me pull on up with that load and he figgers I come down through them there mountains. He asks how I done it. I tell him, “Ol’ man, I got me the best load binders around, so I don’t have to worry none bout my rachet straps or my truck tie downs or nothing. Now this ol’ feller ask me where I done bought ‘em. And I told him rightly, I done got ‘em off a DC Cargo Mall. They got all the load binders you need fer yer cargo securement. And this ol’ geezer, his jaw done near dropped to the floor! He asks, “Where’s that, sonny?”
So I tell him, “That’s there on the internet, grampa, www.DCCargoMall.com!" Now get this. So then he asks me, “What’s an internet?”
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